Having remembered that in my lockup, I already have sheet of 12mm ply pre cut into 150mm strips for the layout I had started in our previous house, I have updated the plan to make all of the top and bottom sheets, side rails and cross members from 12mm ply. This has the added benefit of enabling two 6mm sheets of bendy MDF to be used on the one side rail that curves on the left hand board These will be laminated together to make which will make a strong section to match the 12mm ply used on the rest of the boards.
Having forgotten to pick up my black and decker workmate on the way home from work before the Easter weekend, the pavement outside the front of the house had to do for my mitre saw, and the kid's Ikea table sufficed for the rest of the jobs.
Next on the list is to route rebates into the oak end rails to accept the side rails and cut some 2x1 for the carcassing.
The curved section of the top and bottom panels of the left hand baseboard will be cut once I receive the full size plot of the layout that a friend has promised to do for me. This plot will also form the basis of the template upon which the track will be built.